Sunday, December 17, 2006

Sushi Day

so we decided to go for the Sakae Sushi buffet lunch on the 15th which was meant to last for approximately 3 hours or so... and so with 6 people, armed with their hungry stomachs for at least 3 hours, we set off Westmall at Bukit Batok to head to Plaza Singapura by MRT at 12(some bright guy came up with the idea of meeting at 12 when the buffet starts at 3).

So we reached PS at about 12+pm with about 2+ hours to kill with our hungry stomachs while waiting for the buffet to start, and so we decided to go play some pool(which of course i owned, jks), ahhh, played for about 1 hour or so, had some pretty good laughs due to the funny/lame/stupid antics that we all do.

Anyway, at about 2+, we set off on our journey from meridian where we played pool, to wheelocks place, however you spell it. Upon reaching there, we were second in line fortunately as it was quite crowded, we had to wait for quite a while before being allocated a seat for 6. Ah, how how nice the food was, too bad we were in such a hurry that we didnt managed to reach out target of at least 100 plates of sushi, with myself holding the highest record in the group of 14 plates, bah, didn't get to reach my target of 20 plates, 6 plates doesn't sound like a lot, but when you have had 14 plates of sushi, even downing 6 grains of rice feels like downing 6 sacks of rice.
Anyway, we left the sushi place at about 5:20 i think.

While in the sushi place, there was this lady who was kicking such a big fuss over the waiter spilling a drink on her pants, i mean jeez, give that waiter a break, and the stupid lady was showing the I-am-high-and-mighty-I-am-right-and-you-are-wrong face which i absolutely hate. Even when the manager was speaking to the lady, she didn't even look at the manager, but looked away, what a bi*ch. And she was the one complaining that her "christmas lunch" was ruined, I mean, what the hell, you're the one kicking up such a big fuss over the drink spilt on your pants, and the waiter has already apologized, and you are still complaining that the word "sorry" is not enough, just get out lady. That was enough to ruin my mood anyway. Stupid rude cow.

Anyway, so after leaving that place, we continued playing pool and went to play dota afterwards \0/. Somehow we managed to hang out in orchard till 8pm and reach our friend's house by 9, they packed their clothes and off we went home to have a sleep over, yay \0/. most of us didn't sleep till something like 7-8am in the morning anyway. We all slept for a while and at about 5:30pm, off we went to a mahjong party! more fun! woohoo, and that lasted for quite a while.. so yea.. this is something like 3 days worth of post in one, pretty long, didn't expect it to turn out to be this long :s. anyway, so that's about it for this post! =D


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